
Well, this trips was a real eye opener.  We had yet to do any trails that were exceedingly tough.  I had decided to head out to meet IRC for their monthly run, at Harbor View Main parking lot, one early Sunday morn.  We went out in Rowena's Samurai, on one of it's maiden voyages.  It was June 6th, and the weather was a bit overcast, with light showers.

We met up with Dean Bradley in '97 TJ, Rob DeLange in LC, Jay (last name unknown) in LC named Brutus and a couple of guys in an EB.  I was kind of hoping that there would be a couple of groups going out:  some to do a hard trail, and some doing one suitable for stockers.  We would attempt the latter of the two.

As these were the only people who showed up, they were only going to do the one route known as Escalator.  It has been named such because of it's decent being down some very step like rocks;  each one being a bumper scraping experience.

We made it only about half way up in the Samurai, which was stock at the time, the elected to leave it behind and ride with Dean.  Row had only owned the rig for a few weeks and was not big on destroying it, yet. 

Our trip was a great learning experience;  Dean has been an avid wheeler for many years and was giving us driving tips along the way.  I believe he even teaches/instructs at some of the Jeep Jamborees that are held throughout the country.

Below are some snapshots of that morn/afternoon.  Hope you enjoy!


The first two pics is the obstacle we decided to leave the Sam at.  TJ high centered.


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